Color Story: Black


Color can be an extremely powerful tool for your marketing and building brand recognition. BUT choosing your brand color palette is much easier said than done. So in this series, we’re going to break down the psychology and deeper emotions that we as consumers associate with color black and how you can use this knowledge to build a more impactful brand or product experience!


The Color Psychology Behind Black

Black is associated with sophistication, drama, power, and professionalism.

Take a look at the companies below that use black in their branding. Consider how these emotions are tied to their specific product or industry and why black helps them effectively communicate those ideas / feelings to their customers.


If any of those emotions or themes are deeply rooted in your brand, black may be a smart color choice for you! But you might not want to use it alone. Below are other colors that you could pair with black to add more depth to your brand identity:


If you’d like to add black to your own brand color palette, you can steal the HEX code from one of our favorite shades below. And make sure to check out the rest of this series for more color psychology breakdowns! 🎨


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